Versatile Ruler™ - WHOLESALE

Sale price $12.50 Regular price $24.95

The Versatile Ruler™ can be used to make a braid which measures from 2" width up to 12" in width. You can make many wonderful different kinds of projects from quilts to table runners, placemats, tote bags, and anything your creative mind can dream up.

*Measures 10"wide x 5" high
*3 straight sides, the fourth side is cut at a 45-degree angle.
*1" and ½" markings along 45-degree angled edge
*1" and ½" markings across ruler
*45-degree and 60-degree angle markings on straight side of ruler
Can be used for:
*Short or long cuts, up to 10" long
*5" cuts in legth or width
*Cut 5" charm squares, 2 ½" charm squares, as well as many other sizes
*Can be used to mark, cut, and sew half-square triangles